Sunday, 23 October 2016


41 = the number of cm the wound is from end to end
52= the number of staples removed from said wound today
2 = the number of district nurses arriving at my house today to remove said staples
54367 = the number of calories I burnt cleaning the bedroom and bathroom and stairs and lounge and kitchen and front garden because of the district nurse visit
0 = the amount of district nurses going in my bedroom or bathroom
10 = days after the operation
4 = the times of day I dole out painkillers
16 = approximate times I'm in the kitchen preparing meals and drinks for the recoveree
2 = naps taken by him in the day
1 = hole in lower tummy from drainage tube
4 = cm ish where the wound is open and bled a little after the staples were removed. It's right on his waist and we've to keep an eye on it
50 - pence piece - if the open bit oozes more than the size of a 50p piece we've to ring for help
2 = weeks on sick note by doc at the hospital. Bloody ridiculous because it means I've to faff about ringing the GP surgery to get another one.

As for the general what's it like to have him home?
Well, he struggles to get comfy in bed and in the chair. His appetite has returned. You can tell when it's time for then next painkillers and he's tired. He can't concentrate for long on stuff. But looking back to a week ago..massively improved. Day by day he's getting there.

Till the next time....


  1. It all sounds positive Rachel. Look after him and look after you. X

  2. ROFL @ calories burned cleaning - I'd be the same!

    Fab to hear that he is home. Yuk about the open wound though. Maybe they could have left a couple of staples in for a bit longer. What a faff about the sick note; he obviously isn't going to be ready to return to work in another week. Hopefully the GP can sort something out.

    Hugs for you both.
    Helen x

  3. Glad to see he's home and that you haven't lost your sense of humour. Only you could have me laughing out loud about this !! Keep smiling, sending happy thoughts your way. Lots of love Penny Lxxxx

  4. Glad to see he's home and that you haven't lost your sense of humour. Only you could have me laughing out loud about this !! Keep smiling, sending happy thoughts your way. Lots of love Penny Lxxxx

  5. On the road to recovery, glad things are going well, had a laugh ref bathroom and bedroom, l would have been the same.

  6. lol calories burned at least I appreciated all your hard work , I should have used bathroom as well

  7. Glad he's home and his recovery has begun. What a faff with the sick note!!

  8. Such a lovely, optimistic post. And you now have a clean and tidy house too - no need to do it again for weeks!!!
    J x

  9. Good to hear he is home, and has an appetite - that has got to be good. xxx

  10. I was going to count how many times I emptied my patients pee bag but I gave up hundreds ago.
    Are you going stir crazy yet? I am ready to rip my hair out if I don't get out of the house soon.
    There is an end in sight to the pee bag as he is supposed to have his catheter out on Friday so I may be able to go out at the weekend as I am desperate for shopping...he is eating me out of house and home.
    Keep on keeping on Rach.
    Best wishes to you both-x-
